Friday, August 10, 2007

number one post

I created this blogger spot so I wouldn't always have to post on Myspace. This is a little more private I guess so I can write more openly. Becky can read this and that's fabulous! So yeah....
I have worked about six days at my new job. That's in two weeks; I said I needed to give my two weeks notice at the Disney Store so my new job gave me two extra days off because they thought I'd still be working at the Disney Store for the last two weeks but really I quit on the spot. That means I can't be rehired but oh well I guess. That job was boring as hell plus they didn't even fucking train me!! So I don't really feel badly about not being able to work there anymore.
My new job is awesome so far. I am really hoping this is a job I will like for a long time because the benefits are so good. I would like to stay here and enjoy being able to see a doctor when I think something's wrong with me, see a dentist regularly and get my eyes checked. I will love the paid vacations too! I don't really know how they work; like can I request time off without pay? I still wanted to go to Florida. Not sure if it's going to happen but I'm really hoping for it. The friends I have there I do not want to lost touch with because they've become like family to me.
The craziest thing that has happened at work so far was a group of girls were in the auditorium and somehow a girl got a hold of a razor blade and slit her wrists BIG TIME. I guess it was really bloody in there but thankfully I wasn't there to see it! After they took the girl to the hospital they found out she had broken up the blades and swallowed them, but they were going to let her just poop them out. Her counselor was talking to us and said she was literally going to be shitting razor blades. That sounds mean to make fun of a sick child but it helps lighten the sadness of the situation.
So around the cottages now girls are getting a hold of sharp objects and cutting themselves. One girl got eleven stitches but when she was back in her room she just pulled the stitches out. So they are trying to get a cast on her arm so she can't pull them out. That'd be a beastly scar!
There are about four or five girls that have higher privileges and can have a job in the cafeteria. Mostly they do the dishes for us and set up the salad bar for dinner. One girl in there just rubs me the wrong way. I think she just encourages the others (through her own actions) to be loud and obnoxious and when she works is the only time another girl gets in trouble for bad-mouthing girls who bring their trays over to be washed. I don't want to be a babysitter but we do have to keep an eye on them.
I broke out in hives on my arms during work one day and I don't know why. I thought maybe I'm allergic to something but my dear mutha thinks maybe it is a result of the stress of having a new job. She could be right because when I moved to Florida this last time I got hives on my arms there too and that was a new job, new apartment, new state, etc. Who knows? I just hope they go away!
So I guess that's all for now. I was being really noisy this morning but it was unintentional. I felt bad because I was hoping to let Buck have some good sleep since he woke up so early yesterday. I want to go to the eye doctor to price glasses but I might just do it tomorrow so I don't have to use my blow-dryer and wake up Buck.
Until next time...